Strong start 2024

Well, 2024 got off to a strong start and is showing no signs of letting up. We’ve almost finished February with its ups and downs, which always makes life interesting. Here are a few …
The last three weeks have seen a new StoneHouse Fellowship begin in Meru, Kenya. This is the birthplace of James Nyaga, whose family will be moving there to oversee the new fellowship. This is also the home of James’s parents.

Since James is no longer living in Meru, the ‘Church Under the Tree, in Ponda Mali will now be overseen by our brother Bernard. Bernard is a devout disciple and a spiritually capable man. Pray for him as he labors with that church.

We have finally finished the small bathroom and begun landscaping the grounds of The Weaver’s Nest - our Airbnb guest house. We have started seeing some interest from people in Kenya—just another matter of prayer.

We had another large Nakuru Choir come to make a musical video on the grounds of ‘Windy Hill.’ We had fun showing them around as they performed their various musical performances.

Wangui has graduated another group of women from her six-month sewing class. This is part of our outreach to widows, abandoned women, and single moms. Friends and family were present, and the celebration was beautiful.

There were many stirring testimonies from women who finally would be able to provide for their families. The beautiful cake and cupcakes were created by Wangui’s daughter Stella. Towards the end, the graduating ladies performed a beautiful dance to express their gratitude. They had custom-made their dresses.

I had a few more tests done concerning my painfully swollen lymph glands and the growing fatigue as a result of having Epstein Bar Virus. We feel the need to return to the States in April for probable surgery to remove them. Our Kenyan doctor advised us not to attempt the surgery in Kenya. We fully understood. Please keep that in your prayers.

Much love … StoneHouse