Trip Final Story -Part 4

Meanwhile Back in Kenya … To finish up the story about our American trip, we would be amiss if we didn’t include the great job our brothers and sisters did in Kenya while

2023 U.S.A. Trip — Part 3

We had planned with Chris to be driven to RCV and we were grateful he volunteered for the 3 hour journey. Yet, because of the urgency and needs of Chris’s father’s

The Wangui Sewing School

The Colorful World of Wangui’s Sewing Class … Two days ago, I stopped by Wangui’s sewing class, on the way home from town. It was such a delightful experience. There, tucked away

“Ministering to the least of these”

“What will we do?” Amy Carmichael, a young and very poor Scottish missionary, asked this challenging question concerning her work with the impoverished people of India over a century ago. It pertained to

Journey to the USA — Part 2

It is a nine hour drive from Daytona Beach, Florida to Warrior, Alabama. The trip was very painful for Cynthia and her displaced hip condition. She has struggled with this for three and