Ethny, our 19-year-old granddaughter from Alabama, came for a visit and we all … had a blast! I must say though, that from the very beginning, starting with the airport, it was an adventure

Who We Are

We are a gathering of foreign and indigenous disciples living and working together to advance the Kingdom of Christ. We share all things, and work hard to, not only proclaim the Christ, but

Widows and Abandoned Women Ministry

This is a great example of how StoneHouse Ministries and our partners, Heaven’s Family work together. This is a text from the overseer of our church in Kibera concerning a woman we

Waves in an Ocean

From Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom A little wave was bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He’s enjoying the wind and the fresh air — until he notices

Head Over Heels ...

It is said that any journey begins with taking your first step and this is obviously true. Yet, another obvious truth, you can painfully discover, is that if you miss that first step