“Ministering to the least of these”

“What will we do?”
Amy Carmichael, a young and very poor Scottish missionary, asked this challenging question concerning her work with the impoverished people of India over a century ago. It pertained to what Christ taught in the Scriptures about the poor and it demands an answer from us today — just as much as it did for the people one hundred years ago.
“Are these things truth [concerning our responsibility to help the condition of the poor] or are they imagination? If they are imagination — then let the paper on which they are written be burnt, burnt till it curls up and the words fall into dust. But if they are true — then what are we going to do? Not what are we going to say or sing, or even feel or pray — but what are we going to do?”
~ Amy Charmichael, from her book, Things As They Are, published in 1903.

We want to do something! The reason we chose the name StoneHouse Ministries International for our ministry is found in this scriptural passage:
Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1Pe 2:4–5)

We are labouring to become that house in Kenya today.
