Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!
This year has brought many changes to StoneHouse ministries in Kenya.
I, (Cynthia) will now be working for SMI from the USA. I am living in Garner, North Carolina. We will move the ministry office here so I can continue to be involved in the oversight and support we will give Kenyan SMI leaders. We have been blessed to have missionary Annezetta and her husband Namdi, to be a presence in Kenya, assisting, advising, ministering, and providing a link to us stateside as the transitioning work continues. Welcome!
Transitioning to changes brings us closer to our goal of self-sustainability in the lives and ministries of disciples of Christ. When I traveled to Kenya in September - November to evaluate the progress of our work together with the church leaders, I was encouraged to find them eager to continue.
Churches are growing as we baptized many this year and continue to disciple them in their walk with God. Regular home gatherings encourage intimacy and taking care of each other.
Widows and abandoned women have been successfully helped as many women become skilled seamstresses, graduating from sewing classes and being discipled to follow the Way of Kingdom living in all they do. Others have been able to start small businesses to help them become better able to support their children's needs.
Medical needs are met, lives are being saved, and the quality of life improves for the disabled.
LEARN continues to be a vital ministry educating children who, without your support, would not be able to attend school. They get a hot meal every school day as they are educated beyond what most of their parents were able to accomplish because of poverty. We are also ministering to children once a week at primary and secondary schools, teaching them the way of Kingdom living, loving, and taking care of one another. Orphans are being taken care of by families as we financially support them in family homes rather than putting them into institutional orphanages.
Clean water is being provided to over 100 families in two locations where it did not previously exist. This is also becoming a business for helping us maintain the financial expenses of SMI.
Young adults are pursuing higher education. They are ministering to children, teaching them, demonstrating the path to follow with God, and helping them resist worldly temptations as they gain friendships and accountability to each other. They are leading the way for high school students to grow in faith and fellowship.
The Weaver’s Nest Airbnb has hosted several groups from the USA, France, and Russia. This is an exciting way to reach out to those needing a place to rest and refresh. Welcome! [link]
We love our ministry partners, our supporters, prayer warriors, and fellow missionaries! We thank you for your faithfulness.
Merry Christmas! And a very Happy New Year!