Happenings in the House...

This new year has already begun filling itself with loads of wonderful happenings!
The church in Piave (Njoro) baptized 18 people last week. Joshua and his wife Caroline, who oversees the church, were excited to see people being so diligent in making sure of their salvation (calling and election). Watch the video, (and no they’re not holding anyone under the water, they’re praying!) … the end is so sweet.
Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; 2 Pe 1:10

Our newest fellowship, Kipsbol StoneHouse, is located up the hill about a mile from Windy Hill. Until leadership is established in that fellowship, it will be overseen by a wonderful spiritual disciple named Joanne. Joanne graciously opened her house to neighbors and friends to meet as the church. Last Sunday NJeroge, Gideon, and Livingston visited with the new members in Kipsbol and taught there till 2:00 pm. The people coming are excited and so are we.

One of our youth, Caleb who is attending Kenyatta University has developed a strong burden for all His fellow students to be able to walk with him in Kingdom Life. He is working hard, praying, and sharing with those who need the life-saving message of Christ. Here is the email he sent me this morning …
“Good morning Grandpa, your email reached me and I am so grateful for the encouragement you gave me. Yes, you can use my emails on your posts. I would also like you to pray for me because God is using me to pull a lot of people all at once from darkness. I feel like Joshua and the Israelites when the Lord was fighting with them in the book of Joshua. They fought battle after battle after battle without resting. I feel like I am in that kind of a season. Where the harvest is plenty and the workers are few. But I believe the more people God pulls will be sharpened by Him and in the next harvesting season we will not be as few. Our Father is really at work, I Love Him and the way He is using me. I Love You, Grandpa. Say Hello to Grandma for me.
Much Love Caleb.”
Please pray for Caleb and all our youth in whom the fires of the Kingdom are beginning to burn. Pray for Cynthia and me to know where we should be putting our efforts in this ministry. As has been previously stated … the harvest is ripe but the workers are few.
The more the years go by, the more we are realize the importance of raising up young people with the spiritual awareness and importance of working in God's Kingdom. With all of this happening, our most fervent prayer is still … ‘Come Lord Jesus … come’.