Stonehouse Ministries International

Stonehouse Ministries International


As often as we can we try to have the leaders of our churches meet together to discuss their problems and needs in their individual assemblies. The discussions really seem to help as

Trip Final Story -Part 4

Meanwhile Back in Kenya … To finish up the story about our American trip, we would be amiss if we didn’t include the great job our brothers and sisters did in Kenya while

2023 U.S.A. Trip — Part 3

We had planned with Chris to be driven to RCV and we were grateful he volunteered for the 3 hour journey. Yet, because of the urgency and needs of Chris’s father’s

The Wangui Sewing School

The Colorful World of Wangui’s Sewing Class … Two days ago, I stopped by Wangui’s sewing class, on the way home from town. It was such a delightful experience. There, tucked away

“Ministering to the least of these”

“What will we do?” Amy Carmichael, a young and very poor Scottish missionary, asked this challenging question concerning her work with the impoverished people of India over a century ago. It pertained to